Sakamichi Onada is a wimpy high school freshman who loves anime. He initially wants to enter the anime club, but winds up joining the cycling club after meeting two classmates who are already famous cyclists. He undertakes the grueling training to compete in races, and discovers his own hidden talent in cycling.
My Impression:
This. is. so. good. This is my third sports anime. The main character is an otaku and socially awkward. I feel like I can connect with him. I can't stop laughing and smiling - it's funny as well! I watched five episodes, then I decided the check out the manga. It's so crazy. I'm all caught up within two days. I read 80 manga chapters in two days! It's that good! I recommend this anime.
Sakamichi Onada is a wimpy high school freshman who loves anime. He initially wants to enter the anime club, but winds up joining the cycling club after meeting two classmates who are already famous cyclists. He undertakes the grueling training to compete in races, and discovers his own hidden talent in cycling.
My Impression:
This. is. so. good. This is my third sports anime. The main character is an otaku and socially awkward. I feel like I can connect with him. I can't stop laughing and smiling - it's funny as well! I watched five episodes, then I decided the check out the manga. It's so crazy. I'm all caught up within two days. I read 80 manga chapters in two days! It's that good! I recommend this anime.